Chuan Hao

Hey, I'm Chuan Hao

Hi there,

I am a 17-year-old (as of 2019) student currently studying information technology at Singapore Polytechnic. I have a strong passion for anything Mathematics and programming related. Right now, I have a keen interest in Data Science, Artificial intelligence and Cybersecurity.

You can find out more about me by clicking the icons below.

About Me

What school did I go to? What core values do I believe in? What do I do in my free time? Click here if you want to find out more about my life experiences and my personality and character.

Past Projects

These projects were something I did in my free time, either to practice my skills and have fun or to help me with some problem I had. I would not consider them complete by any means, but I'm proud of them nonetheless.


What's my favourite programming language? What kind of technologies do I work with? Click here if you want to find out more of what I can do and what kind of technology I work with on a daily basis.

Contact Me

If you want to drop me a message to talk more about what you see here or about anything else, I'm to down chat. Or if you like to check me out on other social media platforms such as my Linkedin, Github profile, E-mail or Twitter, the icons are down below.