Chuan Hao

Past Projects

This webpage host some of the past projects that I have done, giving you a breif description of the project and the technologies used. If you want to find out more, you can click on the icon of the respective projects to check out their github respositories.

Personal Website

Technologies Used


Brief Descitption

This was a website I made to host links and files for me and my friends.
Now, it is a website hosting online learning resources and programming resources.
You can check out the website @

Github respository:

ML titanic dataset

Technologies Used

Python: SciPy, Sci-kit learn

Brief Descitption

My first project with data science, AI and machine learning.
Using the dataset of almost 900 people, I predicted the likelyhood of how many of the other people would have survived the titanic crash.
This was one of the beginner projects on kaggle and after submission I managed to get around 79% accuracy.

Github respository:
finance tracker

Personal Finance Tracker

Technologies Used

Python: tkinter, google APIs, pandas

Breif Descitption

Made a personal finance tracker program to keep track of daily transactions, saving the data onto google sheets.
Tkinter was used to make the base GUI and pandas was used to format the data sent and recieved from google sheets API.

Github respository:
python calculator

Python Calculator

Technologies Used

Python: tkinter

Breif Descitption

First project I did using tkinter to make GUIs.
Made a replica of the windows calculator with almost all of its simple functions.
There are still some bugs but it works if no invalid inputs are given.

Github respository: